About me

Hi! I'm Anthony Bravo an upcoming senior majoring in Computer Engineering at the City College of New York. I have a passion for using backend technologies like Node JS and Flask, but I also have experience with front-end tools like React. Recently I completed my software engineering internship at Capital One where I helped modernize an image pipeline component by using serverless architecture on AWS. I was also part of the 5th cohort for CUNY Tech Prep which is a year-long full-stack JavaScript program that taught me how to create full-stack web applications. Lastly, I also got the opportunity to take an iOS development course offered by Codepath where I learned how to create iOS apps through various project implementations Other than learning new technologies I like flying drones, hiking and playing volleyball. You can read more below!
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Flying drones has been one of the most recent hobbies that I have gotten into. Although most of NYC is labeled as a no-fly zone I still make the effort to travel that extra mile so I can legally fly my Holy Stone HS 100. I managed to pass the FAA remote pilot exam which lets me fly my drone commercially and use it into to make cool projects.

Despite loving to watch soccer, I have to say volleyball is by far my favorite sport to play. Ever since playing for my high school team it has stuck with me through my college years. Although I don't play it competitive anymore you can still find me sometimes by the beach courts pretending to be a pro.

Whenever I need some time to think or cool off there is not a better activity for me other than hiking. It gives me that peace and quiet that one needs after spending so much time in the city. I recently took a trip to Boulder, Colorado and had one of the best hikes ever by hiking the foothills. It's not everyday one is 5,000 feet above sea level.